“My heart just went out to him.. I had to take him home!”
Whether it is at a local rescue centre, or the streets of a foreign country, we all tend to have the same response when meeting these dogs.. “I have to help somehow”.
So let’s take a look at..

We have all been there. Whether we are searching through a local rescue and rehome centre, or whether we on holiday, and witnessing the lives of the local stray dog population, we all have the same thoughts.. “I have GOT to do SOMETHING!”
If you are at the local shelter, then you will have a tough time choosing which of all these candidates you will eventually take home and shower with love.
If you are abroad, or looking at websites about stray dogs abroad that need rehoming, you will feel exactly the same, but you may possibly be having a much more complicated time in your pursuit to rehome one of these.
Now, I could be misdirected into offering plenty of advice regarding choosing the best rescue dog for you personally, but that is not why you are here reading this. You are here because you have probably already rehomed a dog, and there is a problem that has arisen, and you need help to get the problem resolved.
But first let me bust a couple of myths surrounding rescue dogs (in my opinion).
1. Rescue dogs are dangerous. Well, no more or less than a dog from any other location. As 70% of my customers seem to have bought their dogs from breeders, or rehomed from another owner, it would appear that any dog problems I encounter are not from the minority rescue dog population.
2. You need to get a very young dog so it can be trained. Once again, I find this to be false. I don’t think you have to get a young dog, and ‘old dogs can certainly learn new tricks’.
3. I would rather pay ‘top dollar’ for a proper dog, than a rescue dog. Why? I ask.. Dogs that are specifically bred for sale, CAN be prone to inherent problems, whereas a rescue dog can be a wonderful dog, at a fraction of the price.
The list is a little longer, but the good news is that the general public seem to be warming to the idea of rehoming a rescue, rather than buying a dog from an alternative source.
My experience has been very good with acquiring rescue dogs, so maybe I am a little biased, but my general advice would be.. don’t choose the first one you see, don’t choose one on looks alone, don’t choose one through sentimental attachment, and don’t let your ego choose for you. If you want any further advice regarding a good criteria, then get in touch, and I will do my best to help.
But as I said earlier, you are probably here for help with your chosen and rehomed pet. So let’s get on with it..
In my experience, you will have all the usual contributing factors that other dog owners experience, that can lead a dog towards some kind of negative or anti-social behaviour, but also, maybe one or two that are lurking beneath the surface! Not because it is a rescue dog, but because you have integrated into your life with all the best intentions, but no real knowledge about the dogs psychological state. I understand that ‘caring’ is the motivation for helping such a dog, but caring alone is not enough. I don’t want assume that you have done wrong, as maybe the dog brought some psychological ‘baggage’ with it, but in the majority of cases, it is the first month of integration that will dictate whether you will have future problems and issues that are not acceptable. A dog that is entering your world will most likely seem quite positive. No real worries will surface for some time. But if it is going to happen, it might take a couple of weeks, or maybe a couple of months, and then negative behaviour starts to show. This is not with ALL rescue dogs, but bearing in mind that my day to day job is meeting dogs with problems, I can safely say that in my experience, it takes a little while for the ‘Gremlins’ to start appearing. And of course, to be fair I never meet many of the wonderful, trouble free rescue dogs that are out there.
So to offer a fair and unbiased assessment to the dog, I do not really take the so called ‘myths’ into consideration. At the end of the day it is a dog, and the treatment for any problem it may have will be no different than a dog from ‘Crufts’ (and I have helped a couple of those!!)
So regardless of the problem you may be experiencing, I can help you and your dog, just the same as I have helped top class show dogs, and even dogs owned by celebrities.
NOTE: I have 6 dogs. 5 of them came from customers that could not deal with their dog’s problem any longer. The 6th dog came from a rescue centre (and interestingly, was the dog that DIDN’T require any help!). All 5 dogs that came to me with issues are doing 100% better. It is not location that has helped, it is the understanding, the patience, and the correct practical and psychological approach that has achieved the results.
Think about it.. No More..
Feeling guilty that you have failed,
Living in the sad story from the past.
Making excuses for your dog’s behaviour.
Having to explain to other dog owners “why”.
And.. (God forbid)..
Having to part with your lovely dog.
Let’s get on with the work!.
Please complete the form below, and let’s both start to make yours, and your dogs life, a little bit more peaceful and content.
If you would like to ask me more about my philosophy or methods, then by all means, call me, on
07961 085133
I look forward to meeting you both!
Thanks.. Glen
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