We have all experienced it at one time or another. Or at least, witnessed another dog owner shouting out in desperation. It can be frustrating, even embarrassing. Of course, I am describing..

So it is fair to say, that if you are having problems with your dog in this respect, you are not alone. If you have taken the time to teach your dog to recall, then you know that it is a reassuring feeling to know that you can call you dog at any point, and it will return to you. It is a pleasure to watch a dog owner and their dog working in such an efficient way. But we all know that when it comes to comparing ourselves against these ‘perfect partnerships’, we are far from perfect, and we need to put some time and effort into improving the recall with our pet. Here are a few of the issues customers tell me about when I am on my ‘dog problem solving’ home visits.
1. You put that work effort in when your dog was young, but recently, your dog has started to ignore you.
2. Maybe your dog is reasonably responsive to your commands when you are alone, BUT, if there is something more interesting around, forget it, your dog will not listen to a word you say.
3. Your dog ‘nearly’ comes back, but runs half way back, only to turn away, and run off again.
4. Your dog does actually return, but there is no way he is going back on the lead.
5. Maybe you have acquired an older dog that has never been taught to return.
6. You have rescued a dog, and now you have found out the dog has no intention of ‘playing the game’.
7. You have a high energy dog, possibly from working stock, that just loves to run..and run..and run!, and the last thing he wants to do is return to you and stop enjoying himself.
So you see, there are various reasons behind the problem, but it is still a problem.
And I bet you have tried all the sneaky tactics. Of course, the sexy treats can work, or at least they used to, but now your dog isn’t falling for that one again. You have tried the whistle, the squeaky toy, and pulling that spare tennis ball from your pocket. All have had success, but it can be a little ‘hit or miss’. Of course, like I said at the beginning, we all have run across parks and farm fields, shouting, screaming, pleading and begging, that our ‘faithful friend’ might just listen to our desperate calls… just once.. please!!
But here is the good news..
Teaching you dog to recall is not as hard as it might appear. I have worked with all the dogs described above, and the techniques and methods I use are not ‘rocket science’. There are a couple of essential things that must be employed. Some are psychological, some are practical application, but they will yield results. Of course, some dogs are easier to teach than others, but it is my objective to form a ‘working’ partnership between you and your dog.
Summer is just around the corner, so why not tackle this problem once and for all. Let me share my knowledge with you, and start to turn your regular dog exercise into a learning experience that will make your life a lot easier, and your relationship with your dog a lot better.
Finally, YOU can be the dog owner that people ask advice from.
Think about it.. No More..
Dreading taking you dog to local park
Looking for deserted open spaces so you can let your dog off the lead .
Keeping your dog on a leash.. permanently!
Shouting, screaming, apologising, and feeling embarrassed.
Being Known As “The One Who Cant Control Their Dog”.
Let’s get on with the work!.
Please complete the form below, and let’s both start to make yours, and your dogs life, a little bit more peaceful and content.
If you would like to ask me more about my philosophy or methods, then by all means, call me, on
07961 085133
I look forward to meeting you both!
Thanks.. Glen
Glen I would just like to say thanks for all the help you are giving me with my little puppy! It really is making all the difference. I highly recommend you to anyone who needs…
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Sophie – Basildon, Essex